Monday, January 24, 2011

green vehicle

A green vehicle or known as environmental vehicle is a road motor vehicle that produces less harmful impacts to the environment  than comparable conventional internal combustion engine  vehicles running on gasoline or diesel.
By using green vechicle,its can lessen environmental impact and reduce oil dependence.

reduce carbon emmissions in transport sector.

reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

contribute to energy independence by reducing oil imports.

Hybrids use two or more power systems, such as a gasoline engine and an electric drive motor, to provide more efficient propulsion.Hybrids combine two or more different propulsion systems, typically a gasoline engine and one or more electric drive motors. Most hybrids on the road today compliment their gas engines by charging a battery when breaking. Engines running on diesel or other alternative fuels can also be used in hybrids. A hybrid drive is fully scalable, which means the drive can be used to power everything from small commuter cars to large buses and even locomotives. Hybrids get more MPG or miles per gallon than most non-hybrids, and usually have very low tailpipe emissions.


Electric cars produce zero localized emissions since they’re propelled by electric motors that run on batteries charged at home, or special electric vehicle charging stations. Car manufacturers are actively developing a new generation of electric cars using technologies and lessons learned from electric vehicles developed in the 1990s. Electric cars are extremely efficient and run for pennies per mile, much cheaper than any other alternative fuel.


Biodiesel is a renewable alternative fuel made from various sources ranging from waste vegetable oil to soybeans. It can often be used seamlessly in diesel engines of all kinds. Biodiesel is a cleaner fuel than standard petroleum diesel. Since it can be produced locally, biodiesel has the potential to decrease our dependence on foreign countries for oil, and enhance local economies where biodiesel production is taking place.


Hydrogen is perhaps the cleanest of all alternative fuels, burning with nearly zero emissions in an internal combustion engine and with emissions of only water vapor and heat in an electro-mechanical fuel cell. Hydrogen vehicles are being developed in many forms by most major car manufacturers. Some vehicles powered by hydrogen are in demonstration fleets, while others like the Honda FCX Clarity and Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell are being driven by consumers.

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